Today I will tell you how to solve the redirect loop problem. Solution for this problem is not at all difficult. Let’s begin with understanding the concept of webpage redirection and why do redirect loops occur. Let’s assume you are running a website or a blog on a particular domain name. Now because of some unavoidable circumstances, you have to buy a new domain name and shift your website onto the new address. Obviously, this will cause change in the URLs of your webpages. Google does not like a change in the URL and also your visitors will not be able to easily reach the new address. To get around this problem, a 301 redirect code is used which makes old URL automatically redirect to a new URL. Such a redirection can be done using an .htaccess file. When you redirect one URL to another —this should be a linear flow. But at times we unknowingly complicate the matter by doing too many redirects and thereby inadvertently causing a loop. Redirect loop is like a situation wherein “A points to B and B points back to A”. Such a redirection will keep browser in an infinite loop and the webpage will never be displayed. In old times, such redirect or infinite loops used to result in a hung browser. Thankfully, modern browsers are able to detect such redirect loops and they break the cycle by displaying an error message: “This Webpage has a Redirect Loop”. It’s not that this error comes only when there is a cyclic loop. If a webpage has too many redirects (for example, A points to B; B points to C; C points to D… and so on); in such a situation as well browsers will show the redirect loop error. Browsers, like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, show this error as: “Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): there were too many redirects”. This problem may be caused either at the client end or the server end. If there is no redirection loop on the server side, the problem is likely to be solved just by deleting cookies.

Solve Problem by Deleting Cookies

Open the browser that is showing this error. Here we will take Google Chrome as example. Click on the menu button given in the top-right corner. From the resulting drop-down menu, select Settings Chrome will open your personal browser settings in a new tab Type “cookies” in the search box. Chrome will look for all the setting options where the word “cookies” appear. Click on Clear browsing data… button. A new box will come up. Now select Cookies and other site and plug-in data. Click the Clear browsing data button. Close your browser and start it again. Now go to the URL that was showing the redirect loop error. The error should be gone now and you should be able to view the desired webpage.

Check Your htaccess File

After deleting cookies, if the error is still there, it is most likely a problem with the webpage and as a visitor you can’t do anything about it. If you’re a visitor, you can try to visit the same URL in another browser. If more than one browsers are showing the “This Webpage has a Redirect Loop” error, it is most likely to be a server side issue. If you’re a developer who is facing redirect loop problem, I would recommend that first of all you check your .htaccess file. Look for any cyclic or too many redirection codes. Try to keep your htaccess file in a clean state because if this file will become confusing, it can really break your website. BONUS TIP: If you’re having login problem on a website, enabling cookies on your browser might be useful. I hope this information would help you in solving the problem. If you have any queries, please feel free to let me know through the comments section on this article. I will try to assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin. Thank you for your report about the support page access problem. We do apologize for any issues. There were issues with access due to a past email change that wasn’t updated on the support end, but it should be resolved now and access fixed. Please re-log and check again. If you have any other issues, please let us know. I spent 3 days looking for a solution on multiple sites, setting Recovery points, trying many Fixit solutions and this guy fixed it in less than 2 hours from the time I contacted Support. Hope this helps some people. Related – is there a way to clear most cookies but cherry-pick the sites where you want them saved? Thanks! I have the same problem, but I am not a geek, so I can not show you exactly what is the issue. The website is a just an ordinary shopping site, and I have too many redirects. I’ve done all you have said regarding the cookies, but it didn’t work. I am lost, please help me :) I am trying to access a website, but the redirect error keeps appearing. I’ve cleared cookies, and other browsers and computers have the same issue. I know that this is most likely a server issue now, but is it common for a website to be unreachable for several months? According to various other websites, the website I’m trying to reach is accessible. Do you have any ideas on a fix? Thanks Thanks, Prashant This page isn’t working redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS I have had tons of redirect issues across various ecommerce platforms and tried different seo settings, .htaccess settings etc. after clearing the .htaccess and still getting the same problem I just logged into cpanel for the domain I am currently having the issue with and turned off Mod Security and instantly the problem was fixed. I will have to go through all the settings at some point to try and isolate which setting causes this issue but at least for now while trying to develop this new site to replace the current 3Dcart based one I can work without the issue. and then we get a redirect loop, the page has the correct title including the green padlock and the right protocol ‘https’ but never loads. We have no server side access and our support are absolutely useless (three weeks without a response). Any ideas would be really welcome. Thanks. open: = works open: = redirect loop error to fix this, i went into .htaccess and added this here:

BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ “$1” [R=301,L] RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

END WordPress

and it worked. but be careful, make sure your DNS records are like this: * IN A 12.345.678.9 I contacted my host and to their credit replied within minutes to advise of the block, they added my IP address to their white list (allowed list) and all was fine. So, always try your host support if you are an owner of a site & you have a similar story to mine. I have website which i have to open according to countries. Suppose I have to open in India, Nepal, Srilanka and Bangladesh and in rest of the world i have to open the web URL like Could you provide me any help regarding this issue. while i am trying the solution it is throwing an error for too many redirects. Thanks Shailendra Could you be specific about which to remove so as not to inconvenience people by removing cookies which are nothing to do with this problem I am facing this problem only from one system . From rest all systems I am able to access the website. I have tried clearing cookies and none worked. I suspect that fixing the .htaccess file might do it, but i dont know how to go about that. Can you give me tips please. Comment * Name * Email * Website


How to Solve This Webpage has a Redirect Loop Problem - 23How to Solve This Webpage has a Redirect Loop Problem - 90How to Solve This Webpage has a Redirect Loop Problem - 60How to Solve This Webpage has a Redirect Loop Problem - 86How to Solve This Webpage has a Redirect Loop Problem - 40