I have been getting such messages on WhatsApp which seem to be one-made-for-all types. I knew that there must be a broadcast or bulk message feature in WhatsApp but I never bothered myself to look for it —well, after all, even without such explorations we waste a lot of time on WhatsApp anyway! But yesterday when someone in office asked me if it was possible to send a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts, I decided to look into the matter. And I didn’t need to look too deep! WhatsApp Broadcast is very intuitive feature. Let’s learn how it works. OK, first of all, let me clarify, that you can not send a WhatsApp message to all in one go. There is a limitation on WhatsApp Broadcast, it allows broadcast only to those people who have your phone number saved in their phonebook. This has been done to ensure that this feature is not used for spamming. In order to send a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts, take the following steps: Now WhatsApp will open the message screen with all the selected contacts added as the recipients. Type the message and send it. Easy! This broadcast list will be saved like any other chat conversation. You can open this list and send more messages in future. Here is a YouTube video that demonstrate the above steps:

If you need to remove or add contacts in an already created broadcast list, you can do so. Yes, it’s a good question. If you have used groups on WhatsApp, you may ask how WhatsApp Broadcast is different from WhatsApp Group! Well, the difference lies in anonymity. In WhatsApp Group, all the members know who are the other members of the group. Therefore, every group members know who all would receive a group message. On the other hand, recipient list in WhatsApp Broadcast remains private. Recipients don’t come to know who else has received the message. Each list member receives your message as though it was sent only to him. In email analogy, WhatsApp Group is like using CC (carbon copy) option. Whereas, WhatsApp Broadcast is like using BCC (blind carbon copy). Go on! Open your WhatsApp and send your first broadcast message to all your friends! Should you have any question in this regard, please feel free to ask me through comments section. I will be happy to try and assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin! I am unable to send broadcast messages to the people who have already saved since last week, my number in their contacts. I have almost 200 people in my Broadcast list out of that only 90 are able to receive it rest of them r not able to since last week , before that all of them were able to receive . I already confirmed as they have saved my no. too. Plz Help I use whatsapp on iphone Iphone does have contacts arranged alphabetically but they appear multiple times in the list.. e.g. Contact – Lalit Modi will appear in “L” and in “M” as well.. When I make a broadcast lists numbers get added multiple times in different boradcast lists. Apparently same contact receives message multiple times when I send something to all contacts (all broadcast lists) Any solution for this..? Regards, Tejas i have a very important query : i have a group in phone book with around 200 numbers, Is there any way that i can import all of them to any whatsapp group in onego. what will be the no of contacts can be addressed in one go while broadcast a message? Is it possible to create whats app groups thru an API, or a excel sheet.. I have 10000 mobile numbers who I will have to add to multiple group as one group only has 256. So that’s close to 40 groups .. it there any way except to create each group manually? Also I read in your chats that in a broadcast message is only delivered to those who have saved your number in their contacts? Is that correct? Thanks Swati I’ve been an active user of broadcast on my Nokia Lumia 535 Win.8.1 ever since I installed it a year ago. Never did I face any issue until now. The problem is with sending of IMAGE(S) via broadcasts. Currently using version 2.14.16. ATTEMPTS (on my part):

Tried re-installing the app a no. of times. # Deleted & re-created the broadcast list. # Noticed that this is occurring only with a certain list. # Latest version says something about encryption (end-to-end) and notifying me that some of my contacts are not having updated versions, etc. Are these the issues?

HELP!! Simply because, I’m using this feature since 2015 with no issues at all, do have 200 odd subscribers, missing my graphics with only the texts being transmitted. Thanks in advance. Help. I am in advertising business. Kindly suggest me how we can send advertisements to whatsapp numbers in a particular geographical area commercially. Can you suggest what can be the issue. I am using iPhone 6plus. Regards, Nitin But I can’t send rather forward a message which was sent to me by some of my WhatsApp friends to a WhatsApp Broadcast. Would you kindly suggest me the way? I am unable to send broadcast messages to the people who have already saved since last week, my number in their contacts. I have almost 150 people in my Broadcast list out of that only 120 are able to receive it rest of them r not able to since last week , before that all of them were able to receive . I already confirmed as they have saved my no. too. Plz Help. would be thankful if you could find a way for me. Thank you, Nithya Comment * Name * Email * Website


How to Send WhatsApp Message to All Contacts - 53How to Send WhatsApp Message to All Contacts - 79