The Virtual Desktop we will be discussing today is a Windows OS feature that can be used to separate different tasks and windows into different Windows 11 environments, making it easier to manage and organize your projects and other work, without making a lot of clutter.

What are Multiple Desktops in Windows

Multiple Desktops, of Windows Virtual Desktops, are isolated Windows environments that separate your windows. For example, you can have 10 applications open on one desktop while having another 10 applications open on another, making it easier for you to manage them.

What are Multiple Desktops in Windows How to Create Multiple Desktops on Windows From Task View From Shortcut Keys How to Rename Virtual Desktops Move Window Between Desktops Drag-and-Drop From Context Menu Duplicate Windows Across Desktops How to Delete/Remove Multiple Desktops Useful Shortcut Keys for Windows Virtual Desktops Why Use Multiple Windows Desktops?

This is especially helpful if you want to separate your work from your personal windows. Of course, the system resources being used would be the same, and the same user account would be used across the multiple desktops, so you would not have to sign into any accounts while switching between the virtual desktops. As per Microsoft, you can have an unlimited number of Virtual Desktops. You can even open only 1 window per desktop.

How to Create Multiple Desktops on Windows

Creating multiple desktop environments on a Windows 11/10 computer is as simple as switching between the different open windows. There are two ways you can create a new Windows Virtual Desktop.

From Task View

From Shortcut Keys

You can then begin working on a new, clean desktop environment without having to close any of the already-open windows. Alternatively, you can also press the CTRL + Windows Key + D shortcut keys to instantly create a new Virtual Desktop. More Virtual Desktop shortcuts are given below. Of course, with multiple desktops, it can be confusing which desktop has which windows open. Therefore, we suggest that you rename the desktops to something more definitive.

How to Rename Virtual Desktops

When having multiple desktops, it is a good practice you rename them so you know which window you are working on. Follow these steps to rename a Windows Virtual Desktop:

Move Window Between Desktops

You may want to move one window from one virtual desktop to another. This saves you the hassle of reopening the same window where it is needed and closing it where it is not. To do so, 2 methods can be used.


From Context Menu

Another way to move a window from one desktop to another is through the context menu.

Duplicate Windows Across Desktops

Another useful feature of these multiple desktops is that you can duplicate a window across all other desktops as well. Furthermore, you can also duplicate all windows from the same app. For example, if you have multiple File Explorer windows open on a desktop, you can show all of them on other desktops as well. Optionally, you can also only duplicate a single window. Unfortunately, the window can only be duplicated across all desktops at the same time. You cannot duplicate it on selective desktops. Moreover, any changes made inside a duplicated window on one desktop are automatically transferred to the same window across all the desktops. Here are the steps to duplicate a window across multiple desktops: You can also remove a duplicated window from the Virtual Desktops. Note that removing a window will remove it from all the desktops except the one where it originally exists.

Show this window on all desktopsShow windows from this app on all desktops

To remove a duplicated window, hover your mouse pointer over any desktop, right-click on the window that you want to remove, and then click Show this window on all desktops or Show windows from this app on all windows (whichever has a tickmark beside it to unmark it).

How to Delete/Remove Multiple Desktops

If you have a lot of desktops set up, you can easily remove them if not being used. Here is how:

Useful Shortcut Keys for Windows Virtual Desktops

The table below gives the details for some useful shortcuts that you can use when creating and managing Virtual Desktops on a Windows computer: Note: Closing a desktop will automatically close all the windows inside it as well and they will not be shifted to another desktop.

Why Use Multiple Windows Desktops?

As we mentioned earlier, the multiple Virtual Desktops feature on a Windows computer allows you to organize and isolate your windows. Instead of having a plethora of apps and windows open, where both your taskbar and your screen are filled with apps and icons, you can divide them into different work environments. Even if you restart your computer or put it to sleep/hibernate, your desktops, as well as the windows*, are preserved which you can return to later and continue from where you left off. *The windows are only preserved if you put your computer to sleep or hibernate. The use of multiple desktops is ideal for people wanting to separate their projects and types of work.